Sunday, April 21, 2013

03-Everyone Handles Their Shit Except Jesus. For Shame Jesus. For Shame.

03-Jesus can't handle his shit and leaves in the middle of the podcast and doesn't even divulge his fetish (rape we think). Would you let someone fuck your dead body for money? To no ones surprise Kris will. We share stories of the first time we got high with guest Francis and Adrian.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

02-Kris is Creepy and Jesus aspires to sniffing jet fuel

Kris' new foot fetish shocks even him. Jesus aspires to sniff jet fuel. A man was molested and all three of us are jealous. Thanks for wasting time with us. Overweight people like to sweat.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

01-Alcoholics Trying To Poison Cats

Welcome to Wasting Time with Mike, Kris & Jesus if you found us it was probably by mistake but don't worry this mistake wont last 18 years. In this episode one of us has a marker for being a serial killer, two of us having been hunting and all three of us are raging alcoholics.